[RM-Tools] xCopy Deployer x Custom xCopy Deployer?

Today I was using the built-in xCopy Deployer from Release Management, then I notice that everytime I was copying files, it was copying the whole folder structure.

It happens because the RM tool xCopy Deployer add by default the parameter /e, which creates the folder structure for you, even if you don’t need it.
To make it more flexible, I created a new xCopy tool, called xCopyPS, because it’s in Powershell Alegre


For me it’s better to define what are the custom parameters for it, instead of having a common behavior and some extra folder left in my destination folder.

Also you may create it not using powershell, in that case the log file won’t be so nice Smiley piscando

Source code in ps1:

################################################################################## # Define input parameters. param ( [string]$SourceFileFolder = $(throw File or folder name must be provided.), [string]$DestinationFileFolder = $(throw File or folder name must be provided.), [string]$CustomParams = “” #“for example: /y/i/e/f” ) cls ################################################################################## # Output the logo. xCopy PowerShell RM tool xCopy using PowerShell and with possibility to use System Variables It may run all params accepted by the xCopy using the CustomParams Created by Fabio Stawinski.`n ################################################################################## # Output execution parameters. Executing with the following parameters: SourceFileFolder: $SourceFileFolder DestinationFileFolder: $DestinationFileFolder CustomParams: $CustomParams`n Command: xcopy $SourceFileFolder $DestinationFileFolder $CustomParams &xcopy $SourceFileFolder $DestinationFileFolder $CustomParams