Things I’ve done in Toronto

Today I was looking some old things that I brought from canada the. I notice that there was several places that I’ve been and that it must be interesting for who is visiting Toronto.

I really recommend to go to hockey, basket and basebal. Specially if you can’t see these matches in your country. I could even find some cheap tickets 🙂

It is a must! You must go to Niagara Falls if you are in Toronto. It’s awesome, and usually there are some trips that are not so expensive. They usually stay for a while in a city called Niagara’s on the lake, very beautiful. Also we visited some wineries, and also we tasted some wine during the trip.


Canada’s wonderland is for who likes amusement parks! I went to the park 3 times in one month, so I won’t meet to say if I liked, right?   

Casa Loma, CN Tower, Zoo, ROM and Ontario Science Centre. I went in then paying separately but there is a city pass where you pay 40% less, but you need to buy it over Internet –

Also I went to the beaches :)… This is the map that my host mother gave me.

You may also go to the islands, it’s cheap and you will have an awesome view from Toronto from the other side of the lake.


Thirdy-Fourth Day

Hey guys, today is my last day of my jorney in Canada, I hope that you had liked, I’m really happy with my english and with all new places that I visit.

My luggage:

What I’ll give with me, memories, friends’ emails, notes and good things to remember.

I saved I little time to write to my homestay mother:

Today I went to school to say good bye:

My last class:

Fortunatelly I could go to visit Microsoft Canada today, 2 hours and 30 minutes far from my home… but I went:

I believe that I forget to tell about my new toy!

Finishing well my jorney – It was snowing today!!! The first time that I saw snow in my life! I’m really happy because of it.

Now, here in the airport, with my ticket in hands, and waiting to get the fly to São Paulo:

Arriving in Curitiba:

I hope that you had had fun with my blog and being part of my history! 😀

Thanks for everybody that is following my blog.

Sad to leave Canada, Happy to be going back home… I really want to see the people that I love!

So, see you in my next trip. 😉

Microsoft Canada

Fala galera, graças a Patricia e ao programa Microsoft Student Partners tive a oportunidade de conhecer a Microsoft do Canadá (Mississauga). Estava tentando fazer isso desde de antes da minha viagem e felizmente consegui ir no meu último dia aqui no Canadá!

Como estava morando em Toronto, para chegar na Microsoft em Mississauga demorou 2 horas e Meia!!! Mas valeu a pena.

Então deixa eu começar a contar como foi mais essa experiencia. Como vocês podem ver aqui estava muito frio e eu estava preparado para a “viajem”.


Pois bem, depois de muitos ônibus e duas horas e meia depois, eis que surge o predio da Microsoft Canadá (Ufaaa! estava a muito tempo no onibus e tava com a sensação de que eu estava indo para o lugar errado)

Primeiramente fui recepcionado pela atendente, muito educada, e ela me falou para eu fazer meu “Check-in”… nesse ponto não sabia de nada, mas tem um computador lá que o visitando faz seu próprio crachá, com direito a foto e alguns detalhes 😀 – Olha que interessante:
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Como agendado, cheguei lá as 2:00 pm e fui recebido pelo Robert Sacco (eu tinha apenas 1 hora para ficar lá, porque a viajem para casa iria demorar muito [2h30min] e como hoje é meu ultimo dia aqui em Toronto precisaria sair 6:30 pm de casa para ir até o aeroporto).

O Robert trabalha no time de “evangelismo” Microsoft e mostrou todo o prédio para mim, inclusive aquelas coisas legais que a gente sempre ouve falar que tem na Microsoft (XBOX, sala para relaxar, academia, etc).

Na primeira sessão passando por uma vitrime com diversos dispositivos mobile, ali está o primeiro tablet pc (a esquerda) e um pocket pc com Windows Mobile (a direita).

Aqui são alguns computadores para prontos para qualquer um utilizar, se você perceber bem tem um XBOX lá no fundo (aliás, vi milhares de XBOX lá).

Aqui é a visão geral de como estão dispostas as mesas por lá, é um escritório aberto, mas todos tem seu canto bem personalizado, com fotografias, desenhos e o que você possa imaginar pendurado lá.
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As próximas fotos são da mesa do Robert e de um colega de time, como vocês podem ver ele usam cameras para fazer videos e gerar material para a MSDN, assim como produzir videos promocionais para os eventos locais:

Olhe só a mesa do Robert…

Mais de perto…

Sim! Tem uma foto do Bill Gates autografada! uhahuauhauha! O Robert é muito engraçado, falou que ele mesmo que pediu o autografo!

Sala para relaxar:

Sala de reunião:

Microsoft Round Table – Eu não conhecia ainda, mas esse negócio aí em cima da mesa possibilita fazer reuniões virtuais, com todos os participantes vendo quem está na mesa (sim, tem varias cameras ali), e o mais interessante, o device possibilita focar com a conversa, ou seja, se você está falando algo direcionado a uma pessoa, você pode direcionar o audio a ela e as luzes do aparelho também… é uma explicação muito rápida, espero que consiga entender… 😀

Olha só essa parte, tem um “canto XBOX” e outro “Office” – Muito show! hahaha
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Aqui tirei umas fotos da sessão de games, nessa área o mais engraçado era ver as pessoas nas próprias baias jogando, alias, trabalhando… resolvendo problemas de interface e reportando bug para melhoria… deve ser legal trabalhar jogando XBOX 😉
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Esse é o Robert Sacco:

Essas fotos é para realmente mostrar que eu estive lá, hahahahaha!
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Ignore meu cabelo, estava ventando muito e não podia fazer nada a não ser tirar fotos assim mesmo… hehehe!


Bom, acho que muitos de vocês devem ter vontade e curiosidade de conhecer a Microsoft, acho que esse post pode mostrar uma pequenina porção de como é realmente a Microsoft por dentro.


Pelo que eu percebi lá as pessoas gostam muito de trabalhar lá, deve ser muito bom mesmo!


Gostaria de agradecer a Microsoft (Patricia Arouck e Robert) por essa oportunidade que considero única, e estou muito feliz por ter dado certo!

E para terminar bem minha viajem pelo Canadá, hoje começou a nevar!!! Nunca tinha visto neve :D, fiquei feliz por isso! uhauhuha


Abraço a todos e caso alguém queira alguma informação, tenha alguma curiosidade pode me escrever ou me adicionar no Live Messenger!


(Postando do Aeroporto de Toronto)

Thirdy-Fourth Day

Hey guys, today is my last day of my jorney in Canada, I hope that you had liked, I’m really happy with my english and with all new places that I visit.

My luggage:
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What I’ll give with me, memories, friends’ emails, notes and good things to remember.
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I saved I little time to write to my homestay mother:
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Today I went to school to say good bye:

My last class:

Fortunatelly I could go to visit Microsoft Canada today, 2 hours and 30 minutes far from my home… but I went:DSCN6770 DSCN6776 DSCN6779 DSCN6800 DSCN6803

I believe that I forget to tell about my new toy!

Finishing well my jorney – It was snowing today!!! The first time that I saw snow in my life! I’m really happy because of it.

Now, here in the airport, with my ticket in hands, and waiting to get the fly to São Paulo:
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Arriving in Curitiba:
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I hope that you had had fun with my blog and being part of my history! 😀

Thanks for everybody that is following my blog.

Sad to leave Canada, Happy to be going back home… I really want to see the people that I love!

So, see you in my next trip. 😉


Yes! All about me!

Hey guys, my jorney here is finishing already. I have only more 4 days :(, but I’m homesick and I’m looking forward to see you all again.

This week started with music at school, really cool, good time.

Thursday I went to Bata Show Museum, yeh that’s okay… Funny shoes…

At night I and some friends went to Gracies, Irish pub, good!

Friday was a little sad day, It was my last class day.

Some photos with two amazing teachers: (Tino) (Albert)

I’m really happy to be met a lot of cool people, It became my trip more interesting!

After school I went to Canada’s wonderland!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!



That’s fine… 😀 I’m going shopping now… see you!


Yes! All about me!

Hey guys, my jorney here is finishing already. I have only more 4 days :(, but I’m homesick and I’m looking forward to see you all again.

This week started with music at school, really cool, good time.

Thursday I went to Bata Show Museum, yeh that’s okay… Funny shoes…
 DSCN6255 DSCN6256 DSCN6258 DSCN6265 DSCN6275 DSCN6279 DSCN6280 DSCN6282

At night I and some friends went to Gracies, Irish pub, good!
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Friday was a little sad day, It was my last class day.

Some photos with two amazing teachers:
DSCN6311 (Tino)DSCN6310 (Albert)

I’m really happy to be met a lot of cool people, It became my trip more interesting!

After school I went to Canada’s wonderland!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!
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DSCN6323 DSCN6324 DSCN6325 DSCN6327 DSCN6330 DSCN6331(It’s really disgusting!) DSCN6332 DSCN6334 DSCN6336 DSCN6344 DSCN6349 DSCN6366 DSCN6368 (funny!)DSCN6383 DSCN6388



That’s fine… 😀 I’m going shopping now… see you!

Twenty-Second/Third/Fouth/Fifth/Sixth Day

Hey Guys, how are you doing? Are you reading this? Please comment! hahahah!

So, I went to New York!!! WOW!!! It’s amazing!!! It’s wonderful!!!

Take a look in the photos that I took!

Here I was going to NY:

Nice day:
DSCN5531DSCN5540  (Falls from Raibow Bridge)DSCN5545DSCN5551  (Already in US)DSCN5552DSCN5555  DSCN5557DSCN5558DSCN5562DSCN5568     (Luch time!)
DSCN5573DSCN5574  (Beautiful)DSCN5576DSCN5578DSCN5583DSCN5585   (Times Square) DSCN5593DSCN5594  DSCN5596DSCN5599DSCN5605DSCN5606    DSCN5611DSCN5613DSCN5616DSCN5617

(M&Ms store) DSCN5618DSCN5619  DSCN5622 (I rent a car)

DSCN5670DSCN5673 (Top of the rock)

DSCN5643DSCN5645DSCN5647DSCN5648    DSCN5649DSCN5651DSCN5653DSCN5655    DSCN5657DSCN5665DSCN5666DSCN5690   (Wonderful!)DSCN5702 DSCN5706DSCN5712DSCN5713DSCN5714DSCN5725DSCN5729DSCN5733DSCN5738DSCN5741DSCN5748DSCN5755DSCN5759DSCN5760DSCN5763DSCN5764DSCN5766DSCN5769DSCN5770 (Niceeeee)

DSCN5771DSCN5776DSCN5777DSCN5780DSCN5782DSCN5788DSCN5797 (Ground zero)DSCN5803 DSCN5807DSCN5808DSCN5811DSCN5815DSCN5819DSCN5825DSCN5837DSCN5849DSCN5865DSCN5867DSCN5947DSCN5952          (WOWWWW!!!!) DSCN5872DSCN5873DSCN5882DSCN5885DSCN5886DSCN5907DSCN5941DSCN5969DSCN5970DSCN5971DSCN5994DSCN5995DSCN5997DSCN6000DSCN6004DSCN6013DSCN6019 (CENTRAL PARK! – My prered place there!)

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“I’m back home – Toronto!”

So guys, it was really a nice trip, I was really tired after that and now I know that I love New York and I want to visit there again!!!

This is my last week in here, It was so fast but I’m really missing some stuffs from Brazil, but It being awsome! It really worth!

See you, and if you are reading my blog please drop me a comment! 😀